Month- April Semester- I
Subject Topic/ chapter
English Capital Alphabets Small alphabets Vowels Consonents Sound having “a, e, i, o, u Rhymes
Math’s 1 to 100 Concept of matching
EVS About me Body parts
Month- June Semester- I
Subject Topic/ chapter
English Sound of B, C, D Sound of F, G, H Sound of J, K, L Short vowel families Rhyming words
Maths COUNTING Back-word counting Before number
EVS Information of helpers Know your values my family
Month-July Semester- I
Subject Topic/ chapter
English The sound of M, N, P The sound of Q, R, S The sound of T, V, W The sound of X, Y, Z
Maths After numbers between numbers Patterns of shapes
EVS Weekdays the year of month
Month-August Semester- I
Subject Topic/ chapter
English Article- a, an ”00” Sound Matching the Words
Maths Addition
EVS Fruits and nuts Healthy food
Month-September Semester- II
Subject Topic/ chapter
English Concept of this and that The sounds a, an The sounds C & G
Maths Complete the pattern Number name Matching the numbers and number name
EVS Information of garden Flowers Farm animal
Month- October Semester- II
Subject Topic/ chapter
English The sound ch & sh Blend with
Maths Subtraction
EVS Jungle animals Water animals
Month-November Semester- II
Subject Topic/ chapter
English The sound th & wh Blend with r\
Maths Number names of 1 to 20 table of
EVS Animal homes Information of transportation
Month-December Semester-2
Subject Topic/ chapter
English Changing words e.g. -can-pan Adding sounds
Maths Revision Table of “two”
EVS Information of traffic light Information of seasons
Month-January Semester-2
Subject Topic/ chapter
English Themagic”e” *phonicphrase
Maths Table of “three”
EVS Workers and their tools
Month-February Semester-2
Subject Topic/ chapter
English Join the two letters-
Maths Table of “four”
EVS Revision